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10월, 2007의 게시물 표시


Well, we're one step closer to the final chapter of a story that has embarrassed Israel and its head of state. Israel's President Moshe Katsav has guilty to sex crime charges. In fact, the president struck a plea bargain that's going to keep him out of jail and avoid charge. Israel's attorney general says Katsav pleaded guilty to indecent sexual acts against one woman and sexual harassment against another. Some women's groups are that he wasn't more severely prosecuted. According to Israeli news reports, Katsav who has been on leave since January ㅡ will also resign. * plead guilty to •••의 죄를 인정하다 * sexual offense 성범죄 * be one step closer to •••에 한 발짝 더 가까워지다[다가서다] * final chapter 마지막 장, 결말 부분 * embarrass 난처하게 하다, 당혹[당황]케 하다 * head of state 국가 원수 * sex crime charge 성범죄 혐의 * strike a plea bargain[bargaining] 유죄 답변 거래[유죄협상]를 하다 cf. plea bargain 플리바겐: 일부 혐의를 인정하는 대신 형량을 일부 감면 받는 사전형량조정 제도 * rape charge 성폭행[강간]혐의 * attorney general 법무 장관 * indecent 상스러운, 추잡한, 음탕한 ...


I am really sorry that i missed the dealine this month. No Sweat As long as you turn in your reports within a few days everything is fine Wow up until hearing that I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders Don't get me wrong, You don't want to miss a deadline, but at the same time, dont't beat yourself up It's not the end of the world. * No sweat, 괜찮아 * Don't get me wrong 오해마세요 * Don't beat yourself up : 스스로를 너무 자책하지 마세요.